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Code of Conduct

Welcome to Zumba with Louise Gunn


At Zumba with Louise Gunn, our goal is to provide a welcoming, safe, and motivating environment where everyone can pursue their fitness goals. This Code of Conduct outlines the standards and expectations for all members, guests, and staff. Your cooperation ensures that everyone enjoys their experience.


Code of Conduct


Treat everyone with respect and courtesy.

Use appropriate language; avoid offensive or inappropriate comments.

Follow staff instructions and requests promptly.

Report any suspicious activity or behaviour to Louise.

Please discuss any concerns directly to Louise.


Thank you for your ongoing support of this code of conduct.


These following policies ensure we all stay safe at Zumba with Louise Gunn.


Pregnancy and Zumba with Louise Gunn Policy


If you are pregnant and wish to attend a Zumba class please ask your midwife if it is ok if you can attend a Zumba class.


If your midwife says you can participate in a Zumba class and you do regular exercise then you can attend a class.


If you do not do regular exercise a plan can be devised between you and the Zumba instructor to ensure you slowly work towards building up fitness, for example, participating in the warm up initially and building to a full class over a month.


The NHS has great advice about exercise and pregnancy:


To stay safe during a Zumba class whilst pregnant the NHS advices to


1) stay within your limitations during the class

2) to not become breathless when exercising

3) keep hydrated

4) if the environment is hot exercise at a gentle level

5) stop exercising if you feel dizzy, unwell or experiencing pain 



Injury, Accident and Health Policy


In the event of an injury of accident please notify Louise Gunn. 

Any care needed beyond basic first aid will be referred to a health professional such as 111, 999, hospital or GP.

In an emergency please call 999 or ask Louise Gunn to call 999.

All injuries or accidents will be documented in an accident book.

In the event of someone experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis then this will be referred to a health professional via 999 or 111.


Safeguarding Children Policy


Any concerns about a child's physical and emotional safety will be referred to social services.

All staff working with children must have a DBS check.


Safeguarding Adults Policy


If an adult is deemed at risk of physical and emotional harm then this will be discussed with social services.





Join me for an hour of fun dancing to latin and world music! 

Check out for further information about Zumba!

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